Providing physicians with access to the latest clinical trial findings

myTomorrows Team 11 Jul 2023

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In April of this year, we successfully launched the beta of TrialSearch AI, a physician-focused, pre-screening clinical trial search tool, that keeps patients at the heart. By leveraging AI technology, the tool allows physicians to identify potentially eligible clinical trials or expanded access programs (EAPs) for their patients, within minutes.

Today, we are excited to launch a new feature within TrialSearch AI, which will give physicians access to the latest clinical trial findings, supporting them to make evidence-based decisions when recommending treatments.

The launch of TrialSearch AI was well received by the industry at large, with coverage featuring in, amongst others, Global GenesPhysician Weekly, and Clinical Trials Arena.

Additionally, we were delighted that physicians from around the world signed up to test TrialSearch AI. As part of the beta, each were given the chance to both test it live with their patients and support the future development of the tool by evaluating its functionality.

From analyzing the evaluation feedback provided, we started to build a picture of how TrialSearch AI fits into a physician’s evidence-based decision-making process, the value it can bring, and what additional functionality could serve as useful.

We’ve taken this feedback onboard and have fed it into our latest feature release which will further support physicians by providing quick in-platform access to the latest clinical data publications.

Tech to fit a physician’s evidence-based decision process

When assessing the potential benefit of a certain pre-approval medical intervention for a patient, the physician must assess the suitability of a clinical trial. To do that, it’s important to take in all the available information that can help inform that decision, including the safety and efficacy data relating to a pre-approval treatment currently in clinical development. This often takes the form of published results from earlier phases of clinical trials. For example, if a physician is trying to determine if a phase III recruiting trial may be suitable for their patient, they may look online to check the results of the treatment in phases I and II, to help them make an assessment.

Direct feedback from physicians within our evaluation calls showed that they would value having easy access to published data to help them make assessments for patients when weighing up and comparing the suitability of multiple clinical trials. They noted that having access to safety and efficacy data helps physicians to make the best decisions for patients.

However, finding this valued information is not always straightforward. The data is not directly posted on the main clinical trial databases. This means the physician is often required to conduct a wider internet search to find and then interpret the latest clinical information themselves, in order to make an evidence-based decision. This can be time-consuming and could present barriers to the clinical trial referral process.

Developing a new approach to data access

To make user-informed improvements to our tool, we took this feedback onboard, using it to develop our latest product release, displaying the latest clinical data publications alongside trial information in our platform search results.

By including this, physicians will be provided with fast access to recent clinical trial data when they are using our platform to search for options.

It will reduce the need for physicians to jump between different tabs, systems, or databases to gather relevant data – instead, it will be presented helpfully in one place, alongside the trial search results.

How does it work?

The clinical data is sourced from public websites referenced on Google searches. Behind the scenes, our platform tools use SerpAPI, a real-time API used to access Google’s search results, searching for the latest information on a drug in development.

The information gathered is taken from the top 1 to 3 ranking websites. This data is then summarized and formatted by generative AI, which displays it in an easily accessible format within our treatment search. Search results and data sources will always be provided on screen, ensuring that physicians can verify themselves if they wish. Lastly, physicians can be assured that absolutely no personal data is shared during the process.

How can I access it?

To start with, we have released this feature solely into our TrialSearch AI beta, meaning that users of the tool can access in-tool clinical data publications. TrialSearch AI is designed for healthcare professionals and treating physicians – if you’d like to sign up to use the tool click here.

In the near future, we’ll be releasing this feature into the wider myTomorrows search platform, making it accessible to all physicians. Keep an eye on our social media channels for updates on when the release will be made public.

If you’d like to speak to a member of our team about TrialSearch AI or our recent data publication release, please contact

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Clinical TrialsExpanded Access Programs

myTomorrows Team 11 Jul 2023

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