The Mighties at myTomorrowland 2024

myTomorrows Team 28 Aug 2024

3 mins read

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On a sunny day in mid-July our Mighty team gathered at myTomorrows HQ in Amsterdam, ready for the most anticipated event of the year, myTomorrowland! With a full packed agenda of company updates, industry insight sessions and inspiring talks; there was a sense of anticipation in the air as we arrived.  

Upon registration, Sacha Evans our Office Manager took a polaroid photo of each Mighty, ready to be displayed in the office, showcasing the smiley faces of the myTomorrows family!  

At 9am, the team were ushered upstairs for the grand opening. We recently completed a refurbishment of our Amsterdam office, making room for more collaborative working spaces and refreshing the look and feel, so the team were excited to see what we had in store!  

To open the event, CEO Michel alongside Sacha and Alex, our People Operations Specialist, performed a ribbon cutting, officially re-opening the office! 


Michel proudly kicked off the day’s agenda, unveiling our new patient inspired artwork installation. Speaking to the team, he explained the importance of ensuring that the heart of our office represents the heart of our business: putting patients at the center of everything we do. Through this piece, we convey not only the volumes of patients we help globally, but also, that by using our innovative tech platform, we give patients the confidence to say, in their own language, I know my options.  

The artwork depicts people from around the world holding tablets and laptops with the words ‘I know my options’ written in ten different languages. It also includes a host of quotes from patients, Healthcare Professionals and BioPharma companies who have worked with myTomorrows, talking about the value our services bring.  

Here’s a sneak peek: 

We spent the rest of the day in valuable collaborative sessions, from an open Q&A panel with our management team, to a deep dive into recent disease awareness campaigns, to discussions on new forthcoming initiatives. Our Head of People Roos Takken ran a high energy, constructive session about giving and receiving feedback, and we also welcomed a speaker from the School of Life who spoke about the importance of self-awareness, and how to foster authentic and cohesive workplace dynamics 


We were also honored to be joined by a special guest who shared his personal story and battle with cancer. His candid and honest account of his experience was humbling and personally helped us as a team to more deeply understand the challenges and difficulties faced by cancer patients.  

To close day one, we welcomed our team to join us for traditional Dutch ‘borrel’ (drinks and snacks) and to take part in a favorite past time for the mighties, a high-spirited quiz! We are a competitive bunch so energy and laughter filled the office space! 

On day two, it was time to recharge. We met in the leafy beautiful Oosterpark, drenched in sunshine. With options to play games (from jenga, to frizbee, to football) or simply to relax on a picnic blanket with a coffee, it was time to rewind and socialise with one another informally. In the afternoon we boarded a boat and cruised the stunning canals of Amsterdam in style (and with music!).  

To end myTomorrowland, the team sat down for a delicious meal together, celebrating one another and toasting to the future. For some, there was even time to throw some moves on the dance floor!  

myTomorrowland was a huge success enjoyed by all, bringing together all our colleagues from around the world for two days of collaboration, teamwork and a lot of laughter. Bring on myTomorrowland 2025!


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myTomorrows Team 28 Aug 2024

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